Annual General Meeting

Wednesday, 12th APRIL AT 6pm

Baltonsborough Village Hall, Ham Street, Baltonsborough

In 1970 a piece of land was gifted to the village to be looked after by an elected committee. In 1998 the village hall moved from the ‘chicken shed’ at the top of the field to a newly built hall and village school. But did you know that the land and hall belongs to the village and its residents.
The elected committee work for the village, upholding the conveyance of January 1970, to facilitate:

1. “The Annual Flower Show and Gymkana of the Baltonsborough Horticultural Society.”

2. “The provision and maintenance thereon of a recreation ground.”

3. A hall “for meetings, lectures and classes for such other forms of recreation and leisure time occupation”

25 years later the hall has hosted all manner of events, activities, clubs, socials and school activities. The playing field has seen cricket, football, families having picnics, children playing, events celebrated and dogs being walked. It is a real asset and hub for the village.

As a registered charity, we hold many events to raise funds which we put back into the running and maintenance of the village hall. We desperately want to bring sport back to the playing field, but our current changing facilities no longer meet regulations, so our big fundraising effort is to upgrade what we have.

We’d like to invite you to come along to our AGM, on Wednesday, 12 th April at 6pm. Come and see (and hear) what we do and our plans for the future.
Refreshments will be available – a glass of wine or a cuppa.
Each year all the existing committee members stand down and a new committee is elected. If you are an adult resident in the Parish of Baltonsborough, then you are entitled to stand as a committee member or vote for the ten members of the Village Hall Committee.
If you would like to join us and stand for election, or simply help out in a more non official way, then please email your details and how you would like to help to our secretary, Nell Ritchie All emails must be received before Friday, 7 th April (Good Friday).

I hope we’ll see lots of you at our meeting.

Amanda Clow

Chair of the Village Hall and Playing Field Trust