Brue Boys

7.30 Mondays, Village Hall


The Brue Boys choir for men is currently rehearsing every Monday at 7.30 in Baltonsborough Village Hall. The choir is over 40 strong and performs concerts around the area supporting various good causes. Our repertoire includes a wide variety of music from classical pieces to songs from the shows, sea shanties, folk songs, Zulu chants, rock’n’roll and much more.

The ethos of the choir is one of friendliness, comradeship, a lack of formality and a love of singing. The choir is always on the lookout for new members. You do not need to be an experienced singer or be able to read music as you will gradually start learning how to do this.

So if you feel you would like to sing with us, come and try it out. Our contact details are on our website or you could drop in to one of our rehearsals where you can sing or just sit and listen. You will be assured of a warm welcome from the Boys.
